Adult Egg Hunt @ Jefferson Barracks Park 3/27 & 28/2015
Adult Egg Hunt
Jefferson Barracks Park
Friday, March 27, 2015 or Saturday, March 28, 2015
This special hunt is for those 18 years of age or older. Search 250 acres of Jefferson Barracks Park for thousands of numbered eggs redeemable for lots of terrific prizes! Food trucks will be on site for food & beverage purchases. Held rain or shine so dress for the weather. Bring your basket and a flashlight. Proceeds benefit the Friends of Jefferson Barracks, for improvements and programs in the park. 8:00-10:00PM (Please do not arrive before 7:00PM)
Advance registration and payment required. Tickets available are non-refundable. $8.00 per person. To finalize your reservation please call 314/615-5KRC Click here for mail-in registration form
Proudly sponsored by St. Louis County Parks, Friends of Jefferson Barracks and Y98 Radio For additional information, call 314/615-5KRC